User Profile - GabbianoZoppo

Username GabbianoZoppo
ID 48708171
Level User (100)
Points 250924 (Rank 16)
Messages sent 12566 (Rank 222)
Last seen 2023-06-22 20:53:20.329668+00:00
Last active in chat 2023-06-22 20:53:20.329668+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 2 months and 13 days
Time spent in offline chat 26 days and 19 hours
Permabanned on giorgiob0t No

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 37044
Roulettes amount 6
Profit 36960
Winrate 83.33%
Biggest winstreak 5
Biggest losestreak 1
Biggest win 20000
Biggest loss -42

Roulette history

Time Diff
2022-07-04 19:44:02.563908+00:00 -42
2022-07-04 19:43:00.615918+00:00 1
2022-06-20 20:28:01.325540+00:00 20000
2022-06-20 20:24:30.199701+00:00 10000
2022-06-20 20:23:09.021296+00:00 7000
2022-06-20 20:21:42.037246+00:00 1